Our Take on Value-Based Care - Deep Dive
Value-based care (commonly abbreviated as VBHC) and population health care delivery go hand in hand. Organizations cannot have one without at least thinking of the other, and VBHC will not be attainable without population health. Beyond that, true VBHC will absolutely require clinicians to treat for wellness and maintenance of health, particularly in those with chronic illnesses, as opposed to treating symptoms of illness exclusively.
Transitioning your organization to a value-based care model must start with the engagement and leadership of your clinicians. Driven from that start, the basis of value and how savings will be shared can be determined:
Physician Basis
Service Line Basis
Population Basis
And from those efforts the actual measurements and rewards can follow--with considerations and distributions for any new staffing allocated to facilitate the transition in care delivery also accounted for--e.g. care coordinators, patient navigators, case managers, etc.
As David Nash of Thomas Jefferson College of Public Health likes to point out, value-based healthcare can actually improve the autonomy of physicians. Different from meaningful use, there don't appear to be the same stringent requirements with value-based care with regards to onus falling squarely to the billing provider for documentation. It's all about team-based healthcare--did the patient stay healthy or not? Physicians can continue to do what they need to, while the payment model supports hiring more staff and investing in technology to improve outcomes at the same time.
We see a cycle in which all of this will lead to improved employee satisfaction, which inevitably will carry over to more improvements in patient care. And don't you know it, over time, all of this may just become much easier.
We can assist with the many moving parts to help get you to full value from your CHR. Before value-based care and population health were en vogue, we were developing Epic best practices for patient-centered approaches and integrating technology tools to allow for these exact shifts in the healthcare landscape. The market has caught up to Downshift, and we're here to help you get ahead of the market.