Our Take on Clinical Integration - Deep Dive
While our passion lies in the nitty gritty of putting the downstream data decisions into CHR functionality, the truth is, that passion was developed during years of honing our coordination expertise. It was during these years that our eyes were opened to the discovery of the end-to-end solution as the best part about modern healthcare IT. And from that experience we learned that in order to effectively enact technical solutions, it really is critical that HIT teams be at the table for critical organizational efforts at hand.
This of course, includes an organization's CIN discussions. Whether it is to simply participate in development of your CIN or to take a more active role is up to you. But your HIT staff must be at the table. Beginning to end. Only then can you be assured you have the maximum efficiency and the solid relationships necessary to support and build the best technologies possible for this critical effort.
In doing so, your organization will be able to better harness and grow its expertise around the following CIN tenants:
Engagement of physician leadership groups to govern themselves towards value-based care; to put data at the forefront of the effort
Keep focus on an end-to-end analytics solution that stakeholders will see can be incredibly helpful in raising day-to-day awareness
Rewarding of clinician and shoring-up physician personalization and CHR learning programs
Incentives work but education typically makes the biggest difference, reinforcement along the way will help
Improving Care Coordination through Population Health, regulatory reporting, dashboards, CDS and other CHR initiatives
Service line clinician leadership is key to this component - not just a physician champion or CMIO
Solidifying your organization's Technologies: epic registries, portals, data warehouse, claims data, etc.
Moving your organization towards semantic interoperability assures your clinicians work from the most comprehensive data, and keeping it at the forefront throughout the CIN development process is key
A strategy that starts with clinicians and consistently moves towards the best technology and data solutions possible, assures your organization will have a winning combination to engage and better assure buy-in. This encompasses both employed and independent clinicians, as well as executives. And it won't stop at 'buy-in'. You will achieve usage too. Ultimately, leading to the value from the CHR that you seek.
At any point in your CIN paradigm development, we can assist with: formulating and communicating goals, encouraging productive discourse, working through points of disagreement, finalizing agreements, contracting, and fully coordinating care (among the many other areas in which we can jump in.)