Our Clients



Client Characteristics

We work with innovative healthcare organizations who improve outcomes for their populations by means of cutting-edge workflows and advanced analytics. Our clients share the following characteristics:

We have great Foresight because we pause, reflect on, and capturehindsight.We take the long-view.When we get the answer, we hang up the phone.We have Chops when it comes to deconstruction of problems AND interacting with multiple stakeholders to res…


Client Profiles

Downshift is committed to the confidentiality of its clients. In the section below, we share fictional client profiles to allow readers an opportunity to gauge whether we may be a good fit for their organization as well as to get a sense for this growing community. Should you be interested in speaking with our community members, please don’t hesitate to make such a request!


Mike, VP Ambulatory Operations - A rising star with a deep understanding of the value-based landscape at a preeminent academic institution.

He recognized a need to cut through bureaucracy while limiting exposure to the organization during a recent project, and needed expertise at the ready to lead confidently and to speak truth to power.

We did just that, deftly navigating politics within the organization, stewarding lagging project components, and helping all involved to distinguish noise from news.

Key principles portrayed: Trend-Setting, Passionate, Visionary, Community Leader

Where We Filled the Gaps: Adaptive, Future Focused, Collaborative, Data-Driven Approach


Sandra, VP Analytics - With a clinical background, this client recognizes the power of a strong analytics program to improve healthcare efficiencies.

To that end, she was looking for help operationalizing data stakeholder engagement, including governance and stewardship, to help disseminate data solutions more effectively.

We came in with the expertise to help guide her team through the details to execute on the big-picture goals of a well-rounded, comprehensive, and cutting-edge analytics shop with increased data fluency across the organization.

Key principles portrayed: Visionary, Future Focused, Data-Driven, Industry Aligned

Where We Filled the Gaps: Collaborative, Adaptive, Balanced, Passionate Approach


Daryl, Chief Data Officer - Client at a growing academic medical center, working to balance his technical talents with the need to steer his team in the innovative direction that his data stakeholders crave.

He sought a strong leader who would keep the big picture in mind while also being able to manage the political environment, keep a level head when faced with overwhelming analytics demands, and offer suggestions for increasing efficiency across the teams

We brought the ability to serve as a trusted right-hand, to both translate the goals to tangible steps and then manage the many groups it took to achieve them.

Key Characteristics Portrayed: Industry-aligned, Future Focused, Data-Driven

Where We Filled the Gaps: Adaptive, Collaborative, Balanced, Grounded Approach


Kelly - Exec. Director Care Mgmt - A down to earth, savvy Epic expert consistently at the forefront of the value paradigm who puts the team and organization’s needs before all else. But one who, as a result of seeking to do right by all, can ‘lose sight of the prize’.

We came in as an advocate for her and her management style, provided objective timelines & processes & managed to them without bias, thereby allowing her to nurture the team’s needs and to prepare the organization for Go Live.

As a result, the team’s major projects - Epic firsts on two separate occasions with us - were overwhelming successes.

Key Characteristics Portrayed: Visionary, Future-Focused, Balanced

Where We Filled the Gaps: Adaptive, Collaborative, Passionate Approach


Kyle - VP, Population Health - A former Epic resource who has deftly risen the ranks at leading organizations throughout the midwest, this client employs a no-nonsense, hands-off approach to engender autonomy and incentivize creativity to get a job done.

Running up against challenges as the organization learned how to navigate the impact to clinical care that value-based reimbursement models presented, he needed senior application expertise melded with expert leadership capabilities to lead diverse team.

We dove in and developed plans - executive down to grass-roots level - that allowed for conversations about and development of the bridges necessary to navigate the changing tides. We engaged the organization’s stakeholders in a way that opened their eyes to the possibility of change, while allowing them the breathing room to inact the change in such a way that protected continuity of care and respected the diligent approach typical of this multi-region HCO.

Key principles portrayed: Industry Aligned, Balanced, Passionate, Trend-Setting

Where We Filled the Gaps: Grounded, Adaptive, Collaborative, Future Focused, Visionary Approach


Didi - VP, Value-Based Care - A clinician, professor, and administrator, this client is a leading industry voice on value-based care models. She has a knack for surrounding herself with exceptional staff and is single-handedly charting a new course for talented young professionals in healthcare.

With no shortage of passion and leadership capabilities, what she lacked were counterparts who could speak both the value-based and application languages in such a way that she and her team could continue to navigate.

We put her team and myriad stakeholders’ collaborative efforts on a track that cut through the fluff and hypotheticals in deference to concrete, more easily explained objectives. The course corrections had the organization actively collaborating towards the future in relative short order.

Key principles portrayed: Industry Aligned, Future Focused, Data-Driven, Visionary

Where We Filled the Gaps: Adaptive, Collaborative, Balanced, Grounded, Passionate Approach


Downshift Happenings


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