Our Take on Patient Registries - Deep Dive
Patient Registries - for many organizations the big, bad, black hole of convoluted and complicated configuration. Which, did we mention, just happen to be absolutely critical to obtaining value from your CHR. So, quick question - what's the state of your registry build today?
Most organizations might offer a shrug or a queasy 'good'. But certainly not your organization. So, purely for fun's sake, let's cover some key areas in which some organizations' registries strategy may benefit from review and/or assistance:
Updates to registry content to be organization specific - in particular groupers and EAP/Lab build.
Validation of registry content based on a thorough system review or from reported issues.
Assurance of maximum utilization of the registry to aggregate data to facilitate efficient ad-hoc reporting via Reporting Workbench.
Alignment of registry build across all registries to assure consistency for end-users.
Optimization of registry-run frequencies to meet the organization's needs without negative impact to system performance.
Related, but not entirely registry-focused, many organizations need to:
Verify Reporting Workbench template build adequately accounts for registry logic to be utilized as report logic to speed report performance.
Communicate existence and use of registries in end-user and/or research reporting efforts.
Validate and update reporting workbench template build to appropriately present registry content for ease of incorporation into report output.
Align registry-based reporting workbench templates with registry rules to, by default, display all relevant registry data with limited end-user intervention.
Improve use of registries and reporting workbench to include or exclude patients from attribution lists.
We really cannot understate the importance of a solid registry structure to support your organization in its attainment of a fully-baked population health care delivery model, as well as a value-based approached to care. If you have been putting off focus on registries, re-consider. And if you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.