value-based care heart and health balancing against money

Value-Based Care

For Medicare, the fee for service days are over.  If the story goes as it tends to in healthcare, it's only a matter of time before private insurers will be all-in on Volume to Value as well.  In fact, industry analysts predict that the number of value-based payments in healthcare will comprise upwards of 75% of the total by 2020.  Along with that, penalties have already begun and will certainly become more common for those organizations that choose to practice with the fee for service model.  Organizations must embrace this industry shift to remain viable in the years ahead.


services and offerings

  • Guidance & Consultation in Data-Driven Culture Shift

  • CIN Guidance & Consultation

  • Data Aggregation and Integration solutions

  • Design, Build, Validation and/or Optimization of Actionable Analytics

  • Design, Build, Validation and/or Optimization of Comprehensive Quality-based Reporting Tool

  • Full Array of CDS Solutions

  • Guidance & Consultation for Population Health Care Delivery Strategies

  • Implementation & Scaling of Social Determinants of Health

  • Implementation & Scaling of Longitudinal Care Plans