Strategic Risk Adjustment

Providers and payers are given no breaks - healthcare competition is fierce. Combined with panel size increases, visit time decreases, and a provider community stretched thin and frustrated, something has to give. Unfortunately, without the right strategies in place, that something may be the opportunity to drive better more comprehensive patient care — and to get credit for doing so.

What can be done? Existing healthcare interoperability channels already invested in (CCDAs and HEDIS data supplementation, for example) are the places to look for efficiencies. If you aren’t building on these analytics streams to automate the surfacing of risk adjustment & related care opportunities to your partners and/or patients, let this be your call to do so. Your organization can, and in this competitive workforce stretching environment, it should.


Services and Offerings

  • Risk Adjustment Technology Review

  • Optimization of Product Penetration in Panel Size

  • Medicare Annual Wellness and Preventive Visit Rate Improvement

  • Automated Visit Reminder Outreach to High Risk Populations

  • Clinical Data Integrated into Risk Adjustment Analytics Infrastructure

  • Data-Driven Automation to Surface Opportunities

  • Efficient Toolsets and Measurement Visibility for Clinicians

  • Determining and Communicating ROI