eCQM & Regulatory Reporting

Reporting from Epic to meet risk-based reimbursement requirements is so much more than hitting numbers to gain incentives and avoid penalties.  If getting ahead of the trend isn’t incentive enough for your stakeholders today, speak to them in terms of an ability to align measurements across analytics and clinical systems to make care gap closure more relevant and efficient! The real game-change that comes from regulatory reporting is the pivot to improved outcomes AND decreased burnout, at a time when the latter has never been needed more.

eCQm Reporting

Given how new this is for everyone, it’s important you have a partner who can help you to navigate what seems at times like both a tsunami and dearth of information. With our first-hand experience, we partner on clinician engagement, system build, data validation, and both gauging and communication of where your organization stands. Don’t get sucked into an agreement with an aggregator who is learning this on the fly. If you are in need of help, we are the only partner that has the deeply relevant, recent experience you need to catalyze your eCQM journey.


Services and Offerings

  • Align Regulatory Measures with In-Epic Metrics

  • Support Patient Outreach Solutions with a Foundation of Regulatory Measures

  • Align Regulatory Reports with In-Epic Risk Scores

  • Design, Build, Validate, and Scale Measure-Based Support Team Outreach Dashboards

  • Build and/or Alter Report Specifications to Meet your Organization's Needs

  • Validate, Scale, and Communicate with Report Writers

  • Translate & Communicate Measure Requirements for and to Various Audiences

  • Compile & Align Report Encyclopedias for all Organizational Reporting Efforts

  • Provide Report Writing Oversight & Guidance that Assures Efficiency and Limits Impact to System Performance