Our Take on Data Aggregation Project Management

Our Take on Data Aggregation Project Management

With the opportunity to bring just the right information to your front line at just the right time to make decisions easy and accurate, we at Downshift find your data ecosystem to be the most exciting system in your organization. Interoperability is top-of-mind for every innovative health system. Effective data architecture design and deployment is quickly becoming one of the most important challenges in healthcare, the success of which requires an approach that doesn’t come easily. While there are many ways to enable cooperative data use, a robust data aggregation solution is a key component to truly integrating Epic data for your stakeholders. 

And yet, the challenges are widespread. As you assess your current state, consider the consistency of your data definitions, your data capture and collection workflows, and the grain and scale between data sources. As you establish your ideal scope and timeline, plan how you initiate and maintain relationships with data stakeholders, how you will use this effort to build awareness and democratization of data, and how you will evaluate both incremental and big-picture success. As you design your approach, how will you assess if your maintenance models and automation schedules are technically sustainable while also meeting operational needs?

From the essential role of cross-functional collaboration to managing the parallel efforts of data cleanup and data architecture, we’ve seen that a successful data aggregation effort benefits from project leadership bringing unique skills to the helm: 

  • People management, to define roles and responsibilities that empower a team to collaborate at their fullest potential

  • Translation, to understand and convey operational requirements to data architects, data scientists, and an array of analytics resources, with the chops to communicate technical limitations and facilitate creative solutions

  • Task management, to not only clarify the steps on a daily basis which are necessary to meet milestones, but also to foster a sense of teamwork and accountability to accurately execute the details

  • Strong leadership, engaging stakeholders through the iterations it takes to stretch their data fluency with trusted, reliable data workflows 

Managing a data aggregation project requires balance at every juncture - balance between big picture and minutiae, between fostering collaboration and enabling the space and time to complete thought-intensive work, between direct patient care and abstract data structures. Most health organizations won’t find these unique skillsets wrapped up in one org chart role. The work in your data and analytics realms has, first and foremost, required other day-to-day strengths. Not only does Downshift bring the necessary expertise to the table, we mentor your team to grow in these vital areas so you can carry the torch moving forward.

Solving the challenge of a functional, scalable, and stable healthcare data design is one of the greatest puzzles of our time, and Downshift’s analytics experts deliver on experience to ensure your data architecture accelerates action. Downshift, tackle today’s dynamic data challenges and set yourself up for growth tomorrow.

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