Our Take on Data Aggregation Validation Planning
Data aggregation projects are challenging and complex. Embedded within them is the critical effort of data validation. Reliable data is foundational to transitioning to a truly data-driven, outcomes-based culture. Trust is hard to win and easy to lose. If your data validation efforts are not thorough, thoughtful, and well-communicated, you risk a widespread tumble of data confidence, data use, and data maturity across your organization. Beyond the backslide of data fluency, you lose traction on all the projects that truly benefit from data aggregation, such as your transition to a value-based model and managing population health.
At Downshift, we know these high stakes inside and out. We take a holistic view of validation across analytics projects, be they clinically focused or rev cycle driven, and we’ve learned from experience where to hold firm on our principles, such as:
Don’t assume data will be used to solve just one problem; architect for reuse every time
Don’t underestimate the time it takes to validate well
Don’t let turf get in the way of harmonized validation that benefits multiple projects
Don’t let silos prevent teams across your organization from collaborating effectively
Don’t get caught in the trap of engaging operational data stakeholders at the end instead of at the beginning
With so many moving parts, conducting an effective validation can be daunting. Our Downshift experts have been there. We’ve worked through the challenges of not only getting source data into a health system EDW (Caboodle or otherwise), but also integrating the data into Chronicles (in a pragmatic way) so users can access it through their hyperspace workflows. What does that mean? It means we’ve managed the cycle of translating operational data hopes and dreams into technically feasible architecture that facilitates the in, out, and back around, so that the power of data may be truly maximized to positively impact outcomes.
Our Epic experience means we’ve worked with their staff and tools first-hand, so we get the most, as quickly as possible, from our collaboration efforts with TS. And we have the mature, project-tested tools and processes to manage and communicate tasks across and between workstreams. So not only is the end goal driving each decision, but the daily steps to achieve that end goal are clear, at all times, to everyone involved.
As a health system looking to widen your impact, the path forward will always require data to quantify and articulate your efforts. Building a culture that understands the value of thoughtful architecture and approaches to validation unleashes your ability to tackle larger and more complex projects, while still moving fast enough to maintain momentum and truly serve your data consumers as their business drivers change. Downshift, pave the way for ubiquitous data use, and inform your choices like never before. We can show you how.